MMA's Mike Dragich turns alligator trapper outside Florida school


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Jun 13, 2023

MMA's Mike Dragich turns alligator trapper outside Florida school

MMA fighter Mike Dragich prevailed in what may have been the toughest match of

MMA fighter Mike Dragich prevailed in what may have been the toughest match of his career last month in Jacksonville, Florida.

The Marine veteran was called to the scene outside a local elementary school, where a 10-foot alligator had taken up residence in the parking lot. Fortunately, Dragich also happens to be a licensed alligator trapper for the state.

With a video camera recording his every move, Dragich was able to corral the gator, secure it with a catch pole and -- with the assistance of several first responders -- wrestle it into submission.

"I felt like Batman, for real, you know, I show up. I walk out. There are a lot of comments saying I look like Stone Cold walking up to this alligator," Dragich told FOX 35 TV in Orlando.

Alligators are found throughout Florida, and occasionally they leave their natural habitats in ponds, swamps and lowlands to venture closer to humans.

When one is captured, it can be returned to its home or euthanized if it presents a danger to people, pets or property. In this case, since the gator was found near a school, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission allowed Dragich to harvest the reptile. He said he plans to donate the meat to the local community.